Our body, Relevant Community Church, needs everybody to take extreme ownership of the financial health of our body, in order for us to live as the body of Christ. There’s a lot of things that can prevent us from giving generously, one big reason that will prevent us from living as a member of the body of Christ by giving generously is being a consumer. A consumer is when we treat the church as a commodity or product that can only be consumed. God’s job is to work and move powerfully in ways only He can, AND our job is to give generously, they are not isolated. They are connected AND the latter comes before the former. When we do what only we can do, God has promised to do what only he can do, when we don’t, God hasn’t promised anything. We must take extreme ownership of the financial health of our body by asking God What he would have you do in regard to our generosity and then acting in the way God prompts.
Sometimes it's the Christians you know that are the biggest contributors to your doubt. You think “If they believe all this stuff to be...
People who are guided by integrity do the right thing they know they ought to and trust God with the outcomes.
To create a church you love, you must be connected in a healthy and transformational smaller community of people within the church.