Latest Episodes
Part 2: The Problem
Let’s talk about sin baby…let’s talk about you and me. OK but seriously, sin is an uncomfortable word. It’s so uncomfortable that we’ve pretty...
Part 1: The Question
The starting point for faith is not a Bible story. It’s not even the Bible. It's an event that leads to a question.
Part 4: Impact
Our ultimate purpose as Jesus’ followers is to carry on Jesus’ mission. In order for us to do this, we must accept His simple...
Part 3: Connect
Our heavenly Father has one desire for us- to transform us into everything He created us to be. But we weren’t meant to do...
Part 2: Grow
Creator God has one ultimate desire for you—to transform you into everything He created you to be through Jesus. Transformation happens when we enter...
Part 1: Transformed
The bad news is you’ve probably been fed this lie at some point in your life: "You can be anything you want to be...