Latest Episodes

Trustworthy, Part 2: "I Will Confess to You"
There are four relational commitments that make us worthy of trust. The second commitment is, “When I sin against you, I will confess to...

Trustworthy, Part 1: "I Will Talk Directly to You"
Trust is the foundation of every healthy relationship, and trust is built by trustworthy people. That starts by looking in the mirror. Throughout this...

Vital, Part 2: "Scripture"
Two disciplines are vital to growing our relationship with Jesus: praying and reading the Bible. In week two of the Vital series, we talked...

Vital, Part 1: "Prayer"
Two disciplines are vital in order to grow in our relationship with Jesus: Praying and Reading the Bible. In week one of the Vital...

Slaying Goliath, Part 4: "Fear"
To defeat fear in your life, you must decide to surrender your life into God’s hands.

Slaying Goliath, Part 3: "Pride"
To defeat pride, you must decide it’s not about me, and it’s all about God and His glory.