Latest Episodes
Follow Me, Part 2: "Next Steps"
Following Jesus happens one next step at a time. What's your next step?
Follow Me, Part 1: "Jesus' Invitation"
Jesus doesn’t call us to be believers or behavers. He invites us to be His followers.
Christmas: "The Interruption of Christmas"
Life doesn't always go as planned, but God uses interruptions as invitations. How is God inviting you to pivot toward Him today?
God With Us, Part 4: "With Us to Lead"
The more we want to follow, the more the Holy Spirit will lead. How is the Holy Spirit leading you today?
God with Us, Part 3: "With Us to Convict"
Conviction is an indicator of “God with us”.
God With Us, Part 2: "With Us To Comfort"
God is with us to comfort us with peace, but we must choose to be filled with it.